2021-07-14 00:00:00
AVerMedia Introduces NVIDIA JetPack 4.6
AVerMedia, a leading developer of edge AI solutions, announced the release of NVIDIA JetPack 4.6 for AVerMedia’s NO111B, TN111B, and NX211B AI Box PCs.

This latest version includes key features such as:
- Support for CUDA 10.2.460, cuDNN 8.2, TensorRT 8.0 and DLA 1.3.6
- Image Based Over The Air update to update full system image by updating partition by partition.
- A/B Root file system redundancy to flash, maintain and update redundant root file system on Jetson device.
- Secureboot enhanced for Jetson TX2 series to support encryption and signing of kernel, kernel-dtb and initrd.
- Support for flashing Jetson devices using initrd.
- CBoot on Jetson Xavier NX and Jetson AGX Xavier enhanced to include NVMe driver enabling loading of kernel and rootfs from NVMe.
- Triton Inference Server on JetPack with support for TensorRT and TensorFlow backends.
- VPI 1.1 with new algorithms including Laplacian Pyramids, Background Subtraction, Image Histogram, Histogram equalization and more. VPI 1.1 will also include Python bindings.
- Disk encryption support to encrypt external media connected to Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson AGX Xavier or Jetson TX2 series.
- Support for Scalable Video Coding (SVC) H.264 encoding
- Block-linear support in nvvidconvert plugin
- Support YUV444 8,10-bit in encoding and decoding
- Enhanced Jetson-IO tool to support configuring Jetson Developer Kit’s camera header interface
- Direct download links to download JetPack and L4T debian packages
All of these benefits come at no additional cost to users or developers.
Please note that support for other devices will be announced when available.